In March I was contacted by Korri from Photography by KLC for a re-branding. First, I just need to say the Korri is kick-ass AWESOME! During our mock sessions she sent her enthusiasm in form of a hilarious photo through email. (You can see this awesome image on my Facebook page, because I couldn’t stop laughing at how awesome it was).
Anyhew, Korri was looking for a new logo that wasn’t as traditional as most photography logos. She requested something that was funky and stylish, that made her stick out from the rest. With admitting to loving fringe, not the TV show, and lots of linear lines and patterns, we both agreed that something Art Deco-ish with a twist that would be best for the new logo design. Here is what we came up with. How fitting that The Great Gatsby just came out too!! Say what now?!?! (FYI: It’s no Moulin Rouge. Just thought I would warn you).