When I was contacted by Nicole and Jen to create a logo and website for their Boston French macaron shop, Miam Miam Macaronerie, I was so elated I may have yelled out “OH HELLS TO THE YES!!” before I responded back to them. Because one, I literally was just ranting about how Boston lacks any diversity in baked goods to whomever would listen a few days before… and two, I love macarons. I love their color, I love that you can stack them up and treat them how Scrooge McDuck does with his gold coins, but eat them, I love that they are French, and I love how they taste. Okay enough for my love for macarons, onto the design process.
Nicole and Jen’s only requests in their logo was that there be an elephant… a whimsical elephant. This caught me off guard, but it also peeked my interest greatly. I had never had an elephant as a request for a logo, which immediately set my brain a-brewing. The sketch pad was taken out and away I went. I wanted to design the elephant, so that it appeared to be exhibiting the mac’s on his truck. Which then lead to sketching and mocking up an assortment of macaron’s on paper and then tracing those bad boys into Illustrator.
After the logo was complete, we moved onto the stationary process, email signature and the website, which was a basic theme that I twerked (gonna use that now instead of tweaked) the CSS and added some fun kick ass graphics too. This included making a full out illustrated menu of macarons available to order as well as the iconography (social media and other little icons throughout the site). Mid-way through the process, I was given a few macs to manger (and some awesome Game of Thrones beer) during this process, in which I took some liberties to do my own little photo shoot, and added a few of those images to the website. (Before I drank the beer, in case you were wondering, don’t want blurry images).
Seriously, one of the most fun and rewarding projects I have done yet so far in my design career. I feel totally honored that these ladies asked me to participate in one of the first macaron shops in Boston! I wish them much success and hope to keep working with them as they build this fun and tasty business!
If you want to experience the site in full click here. And you can see some more images (different from the ones above, I promise!!) of the finished products on my portfolio page here.